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This free immigration assessment is intended solely for general guidance and reference purposes, In completing and submitting this assessment you are agreeing to abide by the following Terms and Conditions of use:

  1. You certify that any information provided by you is true, accurate, and complete.
  2. You acknowledge and agree that the result of this free assessment as may be communicated to you by SorbaraLaw is not legal advice. You must contact us to obtain legal advice regarding any specific immigration matter.
  3. You understand that it is your responsibility to ensure that third-party firewall and anti-virus software is installed and in use on your computer. SorbaraLaw is not responsible for the security of your computer.
  4. You understand and accept that SorbaraLaw is not responsible for any losses or damages incurred by you or anyone else because of: (i) the use of the information provided to you as a result of the free immigration assessment; and (ii) any restrictions, delay or malfunction in connection with SorbaraLaw providing you with information or the inability of SorbaraLaw to provide you with information in connection with the free immigration assessment.
  5. You understand and accept that this immigration assessment will be updated will be updated from time to time in accordance with changes to the immigration rules and policies.
  6. You understand and accept that only those who may possibly meet the requirements for Canadian immigration Candidates will be contacted by SorbaraLaw.

To continue, and to indicate your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, choose "I Accept". If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, choose "I Do Not Accept".


  1. 您保证所提供的所有信息的真实性,准确性和完整性。
  2. 您同意并接受此免费评估的评估结果不是苏尔博瑞律师事务所提供给您的法律建议。请务必与我们联系,以获取有关任何特定移民事宜的法律建议。
  3. 您理解并接受使用第三方防火墙和防病毒软件是您的责任。苏尔博瑞律师事务所不对您计算机的安全性负责。
  4. 您理解并接受苏尔博瑞律师事务所不对任何人因以下原因所造成的任何损失或损害负责:1. 使用免费移民评估调查问卷提供的信息;2. 与苏尔博瑞律师事务所提供给您相关信息的任何限制,延迟,故障,或苏尔博瑞律师事务所无法向您提供与免费移民评估有关的信息。
  5. 您理解并接受此免费移民评估的内容将会实时更新以确保符合移民相关法律法规的准确性。
  6. 您理解并接受苏尔博瑞律师事务所只会联系那些可能达到移民条件和资格的参与评估者。


需要 Required

主申请人Main Applicant

个人信息 Personal Information

称谓 Salutation

婚姻状态 Marital Status

(YYYY-MM-DD format)
感兴趣的方面 Area of Interest


您有几个孩子 Number of Children

教育 Education

受过的最高级别的教育类型 What is your highest level of education?

文凭认证 Credential Evaluation

是否在加拿大完成高中以上的学习 Have you completed any post-secondary studies in Canada?

语言 Language

您过去是否参加过以下英语考试? Have you done any English language test?

您过去是否参加过TEF法语考试? Have you done TEF?

在加拿大工作 Work in Canada

是否在加拿大作为临时外国工人 Have you been in Canada as a temporary foreign worker?

如果是:您在加拿大全职工作的时间有几年? How many years have you worked full-time in this position in Canada?

您现在是否在加拿大工作 Are you currently employed in Canada?

如果否:什么时候离开加拿大的公司? When did you leave your employment in Canada?

是否被安排就业 Arranged employment:

如果是:工作NOC类别是什么? NOC?

是否拥有由省级颁发的特定职位的专业资格证书 Do you have a certificate of qualification in a trade occupation issued by a province?

是否拥有除魁北克省职位的省提名证书 Do you have a nomination certificate from a Canadian province (except Quebec)?

在加拿大的家庭成员 Family Relations in Canada

您或您的配偶或同居伴侣是否拥有有血亲关系的亲戚作为永久居民或公民居住在加拿大? Do you or, if applicable your accompanying spouse, or common-law partner have a blood relative living in Canada who is a citizen or a permanent resident of Canada?

过去和未来的访问 Previous and the Future Visit(s)

您和您的配偶是否曾经来加拿大工作,旅游,或学习? Have you or your spouse previously visited Canada for work, travel, or study?

您和您的配偶是否曾经申请过加拿大的签证或移民? Have you or your spouse previously applied for immigration or visa to Canada?

您希望生活的加拿大的目标省份是? Where is your preferred destination in Canada?

你是否曾经提交过快速通道的申请 Have you previously submitted an Express Entry application?

您的职位 Your Occupation

请添加您的简历 Attach your most recent CV/Resume
(pdf, doc, docx)
工作时间 Duration:

工作地点 Location:

您现在正在做这项工作吗 Are you PRESENTLY WORKING in this job?

您的工作是否有资格申请社会保障 Is your job qualified for social welfare?

您的净资产(加币) How much is your net worth?